C (154/301)

From:Lloyd Rosen
Date:12 Aug 99 at 21:13:51
Subject:Re: Re: ENV and ENVARC

From: "Lloyd Rosen" <seasons@softhome.net>

>From: Allan Odgaard <Duff@DIKU.DK>

>Well, save should do both. In most apps you'd do something like:

> switch(action)
> {
> Save("EnvArc:" PROGRAM ".Prefs");
> case ACTION_USE:
> Save("Env:" PROGRAM ".Prefs");
> break;

> Load("Env:" PROGRAM ".Prefs");
> break;
> }

Thanks for the tips :)

BTW. Odegaard, I noticed you're into MUI Custom Classes (I think ;).
I'm curious if you or anyone's interested in doing a MCC that does menus
like in (ick!) win, i.e. menuitems beneath titlebar in the window ?

That'd be fab!

Lloyd Rosen, <seasons@softhome.net>
Seasons <http://listen.to/floydmon>